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Costs of comps may vary and we try to limit the amount students do each year and limit to  comps per squads ...


Entry fees 



groups £10 per entry 

solos £25 per entry 

duo/trios £15 per person/entry 

tickets to watch the comps vary between £10 - £17 for the weekend 



Destination Dance comp 

solo £39.50

duos trios £22 pp

groups £10pp



students who wish to enter a solo or duet and trio will need additional privates we suggest a minimum of 4x30 mins privates. 


30 mins solo £18

30 min duet £15

30 mins trio £10



we limit the cost of our costumes as best we can. Costumes can cost anywhere between £20-£80 but we will always seek out the cheapest option . 






Chaperone expectations

  1. Children must be supervised at all times by a licensed chaperone , parent/guardian. This is to and from the changing rooms, stage and toilets.

  2. This begins from the moment the child is handed to a member of DSOPA until they are handed back to their Parent/Guardian

  3. The DSOPA Chaperone needs to have a registration list of all children in their care to sign in ( time)and who will be signing them out ( time) at the end of the competition.On that list should be any health or medical/ special needs info for Chaperones to be aware of. The contact information for the Childs parent/ Guardian for the day also needs to be checked. Only people on the list may collect that child unless otherwise informed by the Parent/Guardian

  4. The chaperones need to familiarise themselves with the facilities and where the boys and girls changing rooms are. The Chaperone needs to make sure the changing facilities are suitable.

  5. The Chaperone is responsible for the health, comfort, kind treatment and moral welfare of every child in their care.

  6. If a child becomes unwell, the chaperone needs to contact the adult picking the child up, to come and collect them.

  7. If concerns arise  with regard to accommodation or health and safety- a chaperone/helper is empowered to discuss these concerns with a member of DSPOA.

  8. DSPOA has a child protection policy, the named person is Megan Ring, if you have any child protection concerns, please alert Megan Ring as a matter of urgency.

  9. Any unnecessary  physical contact should be avoided, as it could be misconstrued, either by the young person or by others.

  10. Contact with children should not be taken alone which protects the student and the chaperone.

  11. The children should all have nude leotards which makes this easier.If they don't, alternative provision for this student needs to be made.


Weekday Classes 
Lyndhurst Infant School
179a Lyndhurst Road
West Sussex BN11 2DG

Weekend Classes 
St Nicolas and St Mary CE Primary School Eastern Avenue

West Sussex BN43 6PE

Contact us:

07474 862840 

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