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School Of Performing Arts

Live, Learn, Perform!

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Dynamic SOPA opened in 2017 and has gone from strength to strength since opening. The teachers at Dynamic are fully qualified professionals who not only hold teaching qualifications but have extensive professional resumes with credits including TV, the West End and Broadway. All teachers at Dynamic SoPA are fully insured!

DSOPA Policies 



Dynamic are a dance family, not a school. From the miniest of dancers to the seniors and the teachers everyone looks out for each other. They support and celebrate every moment together. We joined from another dance school and were welcomed in with open arms. Her confidence and skills are growing week on week and thats all down the the nurture and encouragement of Megan, Izzy and their teams. We are so grateful they've put the smile back on our daughter's face, dancing really is life and dance days don't come round quickly enough!


Jo Barnes 2023


phenomenal dance company, have brought the sparkle back to my daughters eyes, have taught her so much in a short space of time, my daughter has autism/ADHD and has been rejected from 2 previous dance schools because of this!!

Megan and izzy are fantastic, they welcomed hope with open arms and hope now feel part of a massive dance family

My child recently did  her first competition  and smashed it, all the girls/boys did absolutely incredible to see such fearless talented children, I can't wait to see what the future brings for my daughter with DSOPA

thank you for everything


Tania D 2023


Amazing family feel dance school!

My eldest daughter has been attending for 5 years now and her confidence and passion for dancing is growing every day. This is all down to the patient and encouraging teachers. My youngest daughter now is part of the Dynamic team and is loving it as much as her older sister!

All students here are treated as individuals and the teachers make so much effort in getting to know each and every child.

Can't wait to see what the future holds for my girls here at DSOPA!



Jade Baxter 2023


"My child enjoys his sessions at Dynamic - they struggle at school but at Dynamic the staff allow them to participate at their own pace, and opt out when they need space. They love going and being part of the Dynamic family and they are really looking forward to being part of the upcoming show."




"I dont know what I would do without dynamic i love all the drama singing and dancing classes I absolutely love it all the staff are friendly I've been going since the beginning and every week it just gets better and better its a fantastic place to go."




"Best dance school ever and always will be, thanks to the staff who have helped me get this far and for my peers for helping me with my leg holds. Anyways love you all so much I hope to continue as much as it is, you will never get bored of the school. The best school in town, a huge thanks to Megan."






  • Why Choose Dynamic SOPA?
    Our ethos is to provide excellent tuition in a safe and fun environment and to encourage our pupils to grow and develop their talent for performing. We aim to meet all our pupils aspirations, whether that be passing their exams, performing in front of an audience and excelling in competitions or just performing for fitness and fun. We tailor each child's development through the school based on their own aspirations and encourage them to stretch themselves and succeed in everything they do. Self-confidence, self-discipline and a love of performing are central to what we do and how we do it. We pride ourselves on supporting the development of kind, self motivated ,creative, imagnative, independant and supportive students who make lifelong memories and friends by exploring the love of the arts.
  • What is the uniform requirements?
    We offer Dynamic Uniform that you can buy so that your child has everything they need for the lessons that they wish to take! This can be found on the Shop page!
    Anti Bullying Policy Code Of Conduct Every Child Matters Healthy Eating Policy Safeguarding Policy Terms and Conditions


Weekday Classes 
Lyndhurst Infant School
179a Lyndhurst Road
West Sussex BN11 2DG

Weekend Classes 
St Nicolas and St Mary CE Primary School Eastern Avenue

West Sussex BN43 6PE

Contact us:

07474 862840 

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